Why does the "LOCK" command sound the alarm?

I started using avast for Android and tried out a few things. I couldn’t help but notice that the “LOCK” command starts sounding the alarm. I thought the “SIREN” or “LOST” would do this. Assume these two scenarios.

Scenario 1

I lose my phone. Assume that the phone is found by a person who is genuinely interested in returning the phone back to me. As soon as I notice that my phone is lost, I send the “LOCK” command to make sure that whoever finds my phone cannot do anything with it. Then I send a message (using Avast) telling which number to call so the person can call me and we can discuss about where to meetup and return the phone. We meet, I thank him/her and everyone heads back home happily!

Scenario 2

I lose my phone. Assume that the phone is found by a person who is genuinely interested in returning the phone back to me. I send the “LOCK” command. The person throws the phone away because no one wants to be caught with a phone shouting "“This phone is lost or stolen”. End of story!

So my request is that let the “LOCK” command, simply “LOCK” the phone optionally with a message which gives the finder information on how to return the phone back to the owner. Let the SIREN and LOST commands handle their separate tasks.

Anyone with me?

you can just uncheck “siren when locked” setting in advanced settings.