I started using avast for Android and tried out a few things. I couldn’t help but notice that the “LOCK” command starts sounding the alarm. I thought the “SIREN” or “LOST” would do this. Assume these two scenarios.
Scenario 1
I lose my phone. Assume that the phone is found by a person who is genuinely interested in returning the phone back to me. As soon as I notice that my phone is lost, I send the “LOCK” command to make sure that whoever finds my phone cannot do anything with it. Then I send a message (using Avast) telling which number to call so the person can call me and we can discuss about where to meetup and return the phone. We meet, I thank him/her and everyone heads back home happily!
Scenario 2
I lose my phone. Assume that the phone is found by a person who is genuinely interested in returning the phone back to me. I send the “LOCK” command. The person throws the phone away because no one wants to be caught with a phone shouting "“This phone is lost or stolen”. End of story!
So my request is that let the “LOCK” command, simply “LOCK” the phone optionally with a message which gives the finder information on how to return the phone back to the owner. Let the SIREN and LOST commands handle their separate tasks.
Anyone with me?