I would kill for 6 more months free, but when I send this link to my friend (who has a MAC), the link ONLY gives a download of the windows version. WHY?!
Just WHY? Why not make that landing page one that has the option of both downloads? Is that so hard?
End result: Avast gets one less person with their software, I don’t get my 6 months, and my friend doesn’t get the software! Everyone loses! Yay!
As stated in your other thread, the problem has already been reported to Avast.
Now you’ll need a little patience and wait for them to fix the problem.
Maybe before you give lectures you need to quote the correct question or statement.
My first post or response to you was “How is this related to Avast”
Considering that your original image was not related to Avast, there wasn’t anything else I could have asked.
All this could have been avoided if you’re attitude hadn’t been so abrasive.
Let’s end this on a friendlier note. You’re question has now been answered. Let’s concentrate on solving the problem.