Why generating proper SRI hashes can be so vitally important for your security!

Reed the story here: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/24/cloudbleed_buffer_overflow_bug_spaffs_personal_data/
We are safe here: http://www.doesitusecloudflare.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.avast.com%2Findex.php

This leak was triggered when webpages had a particular combination of unbalanced HTML tags,
which confused Cloudflare’s proxy servers and caused them to spit out data belonging to other people –
even if that data was protected by HTTPS.

How to check SRI: https://sritest.io/
Where to generate hashes: https://www.srihash.org/

Website owner are advised to check whether they were affected in any way.

Like with the following procedure:

  1. Research the impact for their websites.
  2. Research suspicious logins for accounts on their site, none detected probably.
    Else -
  3. CloudFlare reverse proxy functionality should be de-installed.
  4. All password reset tokens are to have been reset.
  5. All existing (https-)sessions have to be reset.
  6. All passwords of accounts are to be reset.
    Password reset-link to website, mail to users.
    Migrationplan can be started to halt the use of CloudFlare completely.

When you went here earlier, you could have known before the ‘cloudbleed’ incident: http://www.crimeflare.com/


With 5.5 million websites using CloudFlare solutions this cloudbleed thing could be a big issue.

There are other issues to worry about read here: https://blog.easyblognetworks.com/2016/research-two-thirds-pbns-cloudflare-leak-real-ips/

So thoroughly check whether CloudFlare left you vulnerable in any other aspect.
