Why hacking?

Speaking of privacy,

I heared about a part of the web called “the deep web”(read an article on TIME magazine). Google cannot access it and they say you can remain anonymous while navigating there. They say that more and more people are going there (it should be also pretty easy to access they say) to have some decent privacy. Though they also say that it is a den and a safehouse for hackers and the black market. Do you think that navigating there could be more dangerous than staying in the regular web?

Thank you for the info.

Why should you have to try and hide, just by going there might mean google can’t track you, you may well be tracked by someone else much more interested than google.

If you realise that it is possible to be tracked by many organisations other than google, so if you wouldn’t say or publish something in public then don’t do it on the internet, because in many instances it is just that public (available to scrutiny).

I would suggest that any government organisation, etc. may well take a keen interest in what might be going on in sites that use methods to try and obfuscate, keep private, hide content, etc. So going to such sites may well place you under a bigger microscope.

Agree with what DavidR says here. So basic line is do not do things online what you would not think of to do in public offline. And when for instance you use tor, know you could come under scutiny, because why would you like to use it in the first place? But I think that could be a second concern as they probably will have a complete online profile about your “clicks” even before you start to use so-called anonymizers. This profile from the ID traces you leave behind like bread crums in the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale and there are no birds that come to eat them online ;D


I didn’t say I want to use tor. I was curious because I read that tor is way bigger (something like 229 terabytes while the normal web in 19) than the “regular” web. And obviously it’s not 100% anonymous since Silk Road got caught. Anyway how can somebody end up navigating in tor? Do you need something in particular?

P.S. I liked the comparison you made with Hansel and Gretel. If only we had the birds eating all the tasty crums we left…

You can read some answers yourself here: http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/4/4802512/nsa-failed-to-compromise-tor-network-but-exploited-browser-vulnerabilities
Tor was the best American Navy Intelligence ever developed and we owe them gratitude forever. Only the access and exit nodes were compromised to an extent and also the user agents that tor runs on are normally “holed”. We may loose anonimity on tor in due time → http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/17489/intelligence/traffic-correlation-vs-anonymity-on-tor.html See tor path simulator - view: http://torps.github.io/
I would not gamble with it because compromise now lures everywhere even from the software on your custom installation. It may not be free of additional goodies that came pre-shipped. So never even consider doing something naughty. Like youngsters posting things on social media and won’t get a job later because their future boss snooped on their online trails. Better safe than sorry. As the saying goes: “” If you cannot do the time etc…".


Why would I do something naughty? ???
So basically Tor is not meant for “common users”? But for naughty people? (apart from specialists who are tracking and hunting down the black market guys?)