I enter a fair amount of competitions that involve clicking on Facebook and Twitter buttons and they’ve suddenly disappeared, which is incredibly annoying. I know it’s my free version of Avast causing it as, when I disable it, they’re back again. Does anyone know why this has suddenly started to happen and how I can rectify it please?
If you have Avast Online Security enabled click on the AOS icon top right and change the “Social Networks” slider to “allow”. You can also just disable the whole extension in the tools menu (you are still covered by the Web Shield).
It’s the Free Antivirus only version. I’ve tried updating definitions and programs and System Restore, but nothing has made a difference - help!
You will still have AOS. Is there a small circular green icon top right of your Chrome window? If so disable it as I said above.
Brilliant! Found it, “allowed” social networks and all works great again. Thanks so much for your help!
Good. Glad it is sorted and you are happy.
Your solution was helpful to me after I spent several hours trying to figure out why the Twitter widget on my website was not working. Ouch.
Why disable the entire module when simply adjusting the settings solve the problem ???