Why only a specific web browser?

A very important point that you, as experts, can give me a clue about:

As you know for each hotmail e-mail address, one receives also an MSN explorer web browser:

-It seems that the attacker can connect to my PC and attack it, ONLY through 2 of my MSN Explorer Browsers.

-When I am on my other MSN Explorer Browsers, the constant periodically sucking of data from my PC stops. I hope this could give you a clue, how these attacks in my particular case work and where should I look in my PC, to find the problem.

By the way, the moment I connect to the Internet or disconnect from it, I see on my Sniffer, that several (40 bytes/IGMP Protocol) packets go to the suspicious IP address of the attacker (no info on that IP address exists on IP data bases).
Afterwards this stops in my “safe” MSN Explorer browsers.

probably the Firewall stops the continuation of the intrusion (I have Windows XP’s own Firewall only).

In case of my two “infected” MSN Explorer web browsers, these periodic flow of specific (40 bytes) packets to the suspicious IP address, continues for as long as I am on-line.

And all of my important e-mail traffic are unfortunately on the two infected browsers.

Thanks for your suggestions and help in advance.

You can use multiple hotmail accounts with just one explorer browser. No need to have multiple of them.

Make sure your system is clean and protected.

Ditch the Windows firewall and use a real one.