why resident shield doens't check *.dll

why avast resident shield doens’t check dll on check?

i saw every av check dll on open
like nod , kaspersky and so on

are they dangerous?

Well, my resident shield scans dll’s without problems.

I have put in the extension list * and nothing else.

It seems to me your putting *.dll in also ?


yes i know
i would know if it is necessary ,scan dll…

for me scan every file is a suicide

Well… if you are asking if a virus can be inside a DLL, then the answer is yes. For example, Nimda virus overwrites the system file riched20.dll with itself, thus infecting any process using this library.
However, you can’t just “start” a dll (e.g. by doubleclicking on it) - you need an application (.exe) to load it. So… the primary infection has to be done by some infected executable file. If you avoid the infection (by not allowing the infected .exe to start), then your DLLs should not get infected.
Unless, of course, you have some open shares and somebody is overwriting your DLLs from outside…

thanks Igor

Me too ;D

mantra, why scaning every file is a suicide? :frowning:

well, Technical, if you don’t have a verry fast pc, scanning ALL files, does give you some slowdown in general when using windows.

I guess this slowdown is Mantra’s problem.


Hey Waldo,

Are you the TR Waldo on Planetside (Emerald server) ?

(sorry for the non-avast about question guys ^_^)

I guess this slowdown is Mantra’s problem.

yes scanning every files slow down if u haven’t a very fast pc

i have to say Avast residend shield is very light, and scanning every files is not so heavy( try kaspersky resident shield with setting every files)


Ok, we agree: avast resident scanning all files is not a suicide :wink: