Why you can't decide what Avast blocks or not?

I have seen for a very long time that Avast! actually blocks whatever it considers a threat, and you CAN’T tell the program that it isn’t. There are a lot of cases like this. To mention a really common example, the program sXe Injected, used by Counter Strike players almost always has problems with Avast!. The problem has persisted over the years, and even when people keeps reporting false positives, every new version blocks it again. And there is no way to tell Avast! not to block it, you have to report it every single time and wait again.

Now I wonder why is Avast! programmed to not letting you decide what to block and what to allow. I understand that security is important, but users should be able to decide how they want to use the program, instead of Avast! deciding what to do by itself. This is a great software, but one of the BIGGEST problems it has is the huge lack of real control over its functioning.

And on the top of that, when you have this kind of problems, even disableing every feature in Avast! doesn’t solve the problem, making us think that even if you disable it, there are still some hidden processes running in the background, which doesn’t sound really good.

It this going to change in the future or people will have to keep reporting this things over and over for life?


Never heard of that file and that’s not the point anyway. It is a general problem, that’s just an example. And it is quite funny actually, if Avast blocks something without even detecting what you’ve posted.

You still can’t configure Avast the way you want.

if the file you have is not the same as i found on the net, then take the file you have, upload it to virustotal.com and test it
when you have the result, post the scan link

there’s been a lot of discussion about this on the forums, many here requested what you’re asking now already years ago … but well, Avast doesn’t want it … too dangerous for newbies they think … probably true, but annoying for the others. Anyway the best thing to do is still to set the file shield to “ask”, giving you the opportunity to just block something instead of having it sent to Chest. You can then temporarily deactivate the file shield, set up an exclusion for your file or folder location, re-activate the file shield and you’re done.

Hi xdanx,

We are not here to promote hacks or anti-cheat plug-ins. They usually come with spyware like kontera for instance, etc. So this could never be given as a general advice to users. So the only way forward as I see it, is trying to get it whitelisted on good grounds. Why don’t you give us the download file path, so it can be checked. Take care to make that link non-click-through like with hxtp or wXw etc.,


@xdanx: sXe conflict with avast should be fixed already in v6. I contacted sXe’s author and we fixed it together. If you still have a problem, please send me sXe logfile (it should be created somewhere, or it’s displayed on screen) so we can look at it again. Thanks.

oops ;D getting this from the network shield already while still at search stage in Google.

edit: on a side note I hate cheats and cheaters in games :wink:

sXe is anticheat app

This germanattention site is really something.

See: http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=2376302
And: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1116999

urlQuery can’t connect here: http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=20813

To even raise more suspicion, the link it was trying to receive was in subfolders. ???

Indeed file named isn’t the one from the website, but checking that one too, I have found it detects two things too (not the same, though): https://www.virustotal.com/file/e05b37c1cc7fb0cc4602100097dbb4c55d40e340a7788b03d696a9996437b9c0/analysis/1329093769/
Avast itself doesn’t detect them, though.

Well that’s weird because using the last version I do get problems with that specific program too. Though I must say logs are saved in spanish, because that’s how my windows is configured. I could anyway give it a quick translation to the side-notes if you need, but I’ve attached the original file.

I have had conflicts with some other programs but I haven’t been able to get this one to work.

@xdanx, thanks for logfile. I contacted sXe’s author and he said it seems an app blocked sXe driver from loading. It’s quite strange, because avast doesn’t block drivers (only if you run CS in the sandbox/autosandbox), mmm.

Your first post is quite general, can you please share your personal experience with CS + sXe + avast? I mean, have you always had a problem with sXe + avast, or e.g. it started with last sXe program update? Can you please try to turn off behavior shield and test it again?

Thing is that I haven’t played the game for a long time, so I haven’t used sXe either. Last time I did, I think I had a different product installed, so I don’t have a previous experience to compare with. What I have seen so far is that uninstalling avast automatically makes sXe work. In fact, I opened sXe to try and it worked, then I reinstalled Avast! and when I closed and re-opened sXe, it started with the error message (something like “Load error, try again”).

That’s basically why I don’t think it is a different program the one causing the problem.

I did, as I said in my first post, I completely disabled avast, all the shields, and it didn’t change anything. Even tried again now just to be 100% sure, and nothing has changed.

Oh well, I guess there’s just no way to make them work togheter then. Kinda disappointed, though.

Doesn’t change the fact user’s options are quite limited about this, but that’s just how it is too. Some things can’t/won’t be changed or improved.

EDIT: You know what? It doesn’t matter, I’ve found my own way to solve it.

Would be good if you share what you did to solve this. Since i’m havin the same problem for a year now.

Not really. Set Behavior Shield (and, right now, Autosandbox) to “Ask” mode.

Which is?