They might be fake but they changed the shortcut icon on the desktop so when you click on them it exicutes something completely different.
It creates the following Programs:
Desktop\Keygen Shortcut
What happens when you open Keygen Shortcut:
It exicutes Goodgame.bat wich exicures all the other programs and all the other programs exicute all the other programs and so on. It will do this so much, it will make the computer crash. Also, when it exicutes the fake AdvancedKeygen.exe, it will run an application that repeatly opens popups. But before the application starts, it creates a hidden key in the startup and puts the shortcut in the startup named “Windows OS” and change the icon to trick the user that its the program. Then, every time when you log on, you get spam of this and your computer will crash in seconds! Maybe your computer will even blink pink! You are the victom of the computer now! Continue reading!
YOU as the victom of the PC:
Hmmm… I wonder if I should download this keygen so I can get the full version of this game… Downloads… Runs application… What the??? Why is all those CMD lines runni… WHAT THE??? ADVANCED KEYGEN!!! SPAM??? VIRUS WARNINGS!?! Noo! My computer crashed! Restarts… Logs in… WHAT THE??? THE PROGRAM IS AUTOMADICLY RUNNING! It might be in the startup so I will delete it. Oh well, its not there, but this looks strange. Deletes… Computer crashes… Restarts… Logs in… What!? I deleted it from the startup! Maybe its in the registy keys. Opens regedit. Nope, not there. I wonder if its a hidden registy key… Now how am I suppost to re… Computer crashes… move that… sigh… Restarts… Logs in… Downloads something that can view hidden keygens… Computer crashes while downloading… Restarts… Logs in… redownloads program… download complete! runs… finds hidden registy key. Noo!! It can’t remove without buying the full version! Oh well… Computer Crashes… Buys full version at store for $99.99… Restarts… Inserts CD… Logs In… removes hidden registy key… restarts… logs in… yay! my computer is good again! Now all I need to remember is to not open that shortcut!
i completely agree.
the chance of damaging your PC is too great, and there is no guarantee the download will work. if only there were honest dishonest folks out there. many swear by piratebay to get pirated software, but i don’t trust it
I think someone may be trying to send a message to people who download cracks.
From an actual HJT log
O4 - HKLM..\Run: [I downloaded pirated Software from P2P and now I post my Hijack log whining] C:\WINDOWS\system32\Black and White 2 Lion Studios crack.exe
there are safe cracks/keygen sites to programs that don’t require you to DL the crack… you should NEVER DL a crack of a site… that’s just bad D:
i learned that the hard way.
as for pirating things… i personally choose piratebay its always best to sort everything by seeders, the more the better, or look for that pretty skull by their name.
if there aren’t that many seeders (10, 20, 30) read the comments… lol
i was DLing a game though, it had very little seeders, but comments by people saying it did work and not until around 94% did avast say i was DLing a Trojan i believe. thank god for avast
More by luck than design, if the use of a keygen is to avoid payment for a product, apart from any moral issue, it is illegal and can’t be condoned on the official avast support forum.
As with these things always, what seems too good to be true often is too good to be true, and “can” come with some bitter aftertaste in the form of additional malcode. And users that are into illegal activities do not report, because they should not have gone there in the first place, so “if you burn your behind you have to sit on the blisters”.
Piracy is not always necessary there are many nice free alternatives, why we have so many good open source alternatives. People can also answer these issues in a positive manner, come up with something new and innovative, learn to code and reverse engineer and you do not need to hack and rip and steal anymore.
The parties that do not condone of these practices (Big Media & Big Brother) will try to regulate and more and more countries now are to bring in the “three strikes your out and you will loose your Internet account, as France already did”.
When cost is involved there are alternatives that will cost the user next to nothing and I can run a Windows box with only free programs as an alternative to the paid versions. What Microsoft has in store for us all, and what they are dreaming about, you can read here:
You can follow their dreams, but to me it sounds nightmarish.
So what is the best way to go for users like me, fill your computer with free alternatives:
now, here in this security forum, we ignore about Law and CopyRight and things such as this at the mo, I know KeyGen is bad, but please come focus on security part of this thing, what if we use a keygen via Sandboxie or on a VirtualPC, any way I want to say what if we use it quarantined and just export the key? how risky is it?
how safe is a VirtualPC or how safe is Sandboxie?
I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft made one. They hate it when people try to get free stuff.
Anyways, even if the Keygen a person uses is safe, it’s still usually a virus. My cousin had one that created music, opened and closed stylishly, and infected the program it cracked.