Just downloaded this on Android - replacing Lookout, as Avast seems to have so much more.
However, a few anomalies happened after install:
1 - Most widgets no longer work on my homescreens (though the Google widget still works)
2 - I understood that the application would be “hidden” by appearing as the false name that I gave it. However, the false named application does not appear in my apps draw while the Avast does. The false name does appear in the list of apps to in Easy Uninstaller, but it is not possible to launch it.
3 - The phone started in safe mode once (though not a problem if it doesn’t keep happening)
4 - Most of my application defaults were lost (though it should be easy enough to put them back, as long as they are not lost again)
Unfortunately, it has not resolved after several reboots.
It is shown in the app drawer, but the false name is not. Both are shown in the uninstall list.
Not sure what Safe Mode is - not seen it before - but the phone started up with limited functionality, some of the apps not shown at all (just outlines of squares instead) and the words “Safe Mode” in white at the bottom of the screen.
That’s really weird, I have heard no such thing so far from our users. Are you sure it’s caused by avast? Did you install rooted Anti-Theft?
Note that avast! Mobile Security and avast! Anti-Theft are two separate applications (although tied together). What you see in the app drawer is AMS, not AAT (you see both in uninstall). This design enables you to not instal AAT at all or uninstall AMS or AAT separately keeping only the part you want.
OK, didn’t see anything like that either. What device/carrier you have?
I deleted the widgets and replaced them, and they seem to be working fine now. My phone is not rooted.
I understand now - thanks. I am not able to open AAT though (under my false name now). Is that normal?
I am on T-Mobile (in the UK) with a Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc. It has not happened again since.
I have re-programed by defaults, however most of them have been lost again following a restart. Is Avast doing something that might affect them, and is there a way to keep them through restarts?
There are two ways for you to open AAT now - through AMS (there is a dashboard item) or by directly calling your 4-6 digit avast! Password (can be changed in both AMS and AAT), just try it
1+4) I can imagine avast! breaking the widgets, but not deleting your application data If the problem persists, you can always try to uninstall AMS and AAT and see if it goes away (and reinstall AMS/AAT later if you like). If it goes away, we can try to determine what’s the problem together.
Does this happen to the apps that are installed in your internal storage as well? Do I understand it correctly that you run an app, set it up (let’s say in a way you set up SMS/Call filter in AMS), leave the app, restart your device and the app just doesn’t have the settings anymore?
Actually, I have been using “Default App” to set the defaults, which has always worked fine up to now. What has changed since installing Avast is that the defaults are cleared when the phone restarts now. I have also tried setting them manually (by clearing them and then choosing a default when I load the relevant application), but the same thing happens.
You make an interesting point that I hadn’t realised before - that those few defaults that are not cleared are for apps on the internal storage. All the apps on the SD card have the defaults cleared. Sadly, Sony are not very generous with internal space, and I am unable to move them all back to the internal storage.
Would be great to root my phone, however I am not particularly technical, and understand that the rooting process is fraught with risks…