will Avast let me have multipule devices on one account with free

I have in stalled the free version on my laptop, which I recently bought
Now I want to use it on my older desktop;
should I make another Avast account; or will Avast let me manage two devices and still give me free protection, it says ‘device’ options limited…or something like that, I’m uninstalling McAfee (more like McCrapy) right now as we speak…

Just add them to your existing account. :slight_smile:

thank you so much, so many views and no reply (since I am new at this program).

I'm uninstalling McAfee (more like McCrapy) right
dont forget to run McAfee removal tool when done ;) http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/

Nice catch. I missed that one. :slight_smile: