Will there be 4.9 before 5.0 is released?

Curious to find out whether there will be avast! 4.9 out, before 5.0 is released. ???

Thanks in advance. ;D

Hello stormer,

“I” don’t think so.

Seems that avast is skipping versions… like firefox…
Have there been major changes to the avast program?

It doesn’t have to be the case, Alwil are working on avast 5 a major update.

If in the meantime a problem was found then an update would be made to avast 4.8 but I highly doubt it would go to 4.9 as that in itself is a big jump. It would be more likely that it would be an increase in the build number the bit after the 4.5, so it might go from say 4.8.1335 to 4.8.1350.

@ Black3agl3
avast isn’t skipping a build, this is a major update and unlike firefox avast has been on avast 4.x for a few years and there have been many .1 increments which many other companies would have called a whole cardinal increment, e.g. 4.1 would have been 5.

I can remember using firefox 1.5beta when I was using avast 4, so there really is no comparison on how avast and mozilla do version numbering. Many companies change the version every year, add a few bells and whistles and charge the earth for the update.

…I wasn’t saying avast was skipping its job/or-watever… but only changing the number… as if to show a new start…

Sure. http://blog.avast.com/2009/07/20/avast-5-is-coming-soon/

:slight_smile: was sure there was… but I’m no master at computers… n i prefer to have it confirmed… :smiley:

I can’t wait for 5.0, the screen shot look awesome!

Firefox is rapidly catching up with Opera in version - and as for Chrome!

Avast’s impending change is so major it needs to increment the cardinal number to make it clear.

Shortly, no.

wat does the “avast! translator” mean?

Translators for avast. They translate the program’s interface’s language so that more people will be able to use/understand the program.

That I’m on the various avast translators. I’ve translated avast into my language.

See here
avast! Translators (ALWIL Software official page)

The next anti-virus version is avast 5.0 and that has nothing to do with the ‘avast! Suite’ having a firewall as the AV will still be available as a stand alone application. The 5.0 version number relates only to the upgrade of the AV.