will this antiSPYWARE conflict with Avast?

a new antispyware, called spyware terminator (version http://www.spywareterminator.com/ includes an on-access antivirus component.

won’t this cause conflicts with avast!, which is my resident oa av?

There are avast users in the forums using ST with no reported conflict. I have tried it for a week or so without conflict, I just didn’t like its interface and settings so I went back to AVG anti-spyware, A.K.A Ewido.

No conflicts with avast (not even if you use the integrate ClamWin antivirus), but, of course, being side by side with avast, both could use quite some resources and your system could be slow. Think if you really need it this way or you can just run ST on-demand, non-resident.

organic chemistry confused me in the same way: everything has a rule, and every rule has an exception.

wrt oa av conflicts, i understood that one should NEVER have 2 oa antiviruses simultaneously operative because it will cause system lockups. i even read this on the oa av companies’ websites!

so… under what circumstances, in real life, is it verboten to run 2 oa av’s simultaneously?

I’m running Spyawareterminator with AVAST. But without ClamAV. Only antispyware.
@DavidR: AVG isn’t free,well only for ondemand scans but ST has onacess scan.
I need an antispyware because AVAST only detects a few spyware. An i’ve got BOclean(by COMODO) too and Comodo firewall.

AVG anti-spyware is free download the trial version, you have 30 days unrestricted use then the resident element and auto updates are withdrawn unless you buy. There is no obligation to buy. I’m happy having it as on-demand only.

nweissma, if oa means on-access (resident) and you’re using Windows XP or bellow, yes it’s true.
If you’re using Vista, not all oa antivirus are incompatible…

If you scan your downloads (on-demand) and you surf safely, generally, an on-access antispyware is not needed.
You can run a lot of them on-demand and be clean only using avast. Just my 0.02.

This is correct! But what I want to say is that resident protection of an antivirus and resident protection of an antispyware are not exactly the same thing.
So is not convenient running two resident antivirus, like is not convenient running two resident antispyware!
But if you want (your choice of course) you can run one resident antivirus and one resident antispyware.
Like Rafel, I use too Avast and SpywareTerminator. Without any problem! They work very good together, on my system. And slowing down of system is minimal (very difficult to note it and my pc is not so new), SpywareTerminator is light on memory (only 15mb).
I use SpywareT above all, because it provide basic function H.I.P.S. and resident protection antispy, a good combination in my opinion, talking about a free program.

I know, i only surf in (safe)forums and safe pages. I have got comon sense. No cracks, no patchs and no dangerous surfing :D.
But i’m paranoid. :wink:

A fully agree…

You’re fully right…
That’s the reason we ask to Alwil team for an antispyware module for avast: that monitors the registry keys, H.I.P.S. etc.

It would be awsome

And what about avast intentions? Do they said something…“yes,no,perphaps…?”
Tech when you speak about an antispyware module, you relate for a new provider? (8° in Home Ed., 9° in Pro Ed.)

They never say a word about it…


If you scan your downloads (on-demand) and you surf safely, generally, an on-access antispyware is not needed. You can run a lot of them on-demand and be clean only using avast. Just my 0.02.

please instruct me how to invoke avast! to scan a saved download.

Assuming that you installed avast! in the default folder, this is the path needed to scan downloads, C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe