Win 10 - Won't shut down with Avast installed

Hi all , been - was - a long time - 10 years - user of Avast but after last 2 versions my machine will not shutdown with Avast installed . I uninstalled in Jan and just now tried this latest version but again as soon as its installed I get the same problem , just stays on the shutting down message with the spinning dots .
I have tried turning off fast startup with no change .
Basic hardware is 6700k , 1080ti , 16gb Dominator , 1tb SSD for boot , 1x 1tb backup and 4x 2tb storage HDD , win10/64 Pro

Anyone any ideas ( issue is 100% resolved without Avast as i have had it uninstalled for over a month waiting for new version thinking it would be fixed but no change with this latest )

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier)
  • Which version…?
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

See inline and thanks for reply :-

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier) Free
  • Which version…? 18.1.2326 ( and whatever the previous version was 17.x , I had no issues before then )
  • Other security related software installed…? None
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…? None , been using Avast since 2007 from memory

OK, best you wait for one of the guys with W10, can’t test/confirm it here.

I’m on Windows 10 v. 1709
No problem with shutting down.
Please try the following: Repair Avast:
Control Panel> Program and Features (Add/remove program)>Select Avast> Select Repair. Reboot when completed
If Repair doesn’t fix the problem, try the following:
Clean Install of Avast:

Are you using the Windows Firewall or a Firewall from a third party ?
If it’s from a third party, which one ???

Just using the windows firewall and yes I have in-installed and tried using the repair option .

yesterday I installed the new version just posted on a fresh install and the no shutdown occurred as soon as it was installed , uninstalled and machine behaves correctly .

What version of Windows 10 ???

Windows 10 pro , version 1709 , build 16299.248

Next step as stated is to try the following: Clean Install of Avast:
Personally, I think there’s something else going on.
I run the same system have never run across a problem with shutting down the system
due to having Avast installed.

Hi Bob , I had some time this morning so followed your post above but no change for this rig .

At this point I am not now sure whether this issue started with Win10 FCU but I have Avast running on 3 other machines with no issues except this one ( all normal high end parts mostly from Asus ROG and Corsair ) .

I have tried 2 other AV products from other companies ( not named ) with no shutdown issues so i’ll carry on with 1 of them until the next Windows update and then retry Avast .

Thanks for the advice .

You could try this to see if Avast can get to the bottom of your problem.
Submitting a support file using the Avast Support Tool

In past I remember Avast Behavior Shield was causing issues during shutdown. You may try disabling it temporarily, to try to pinpoint the module which is causing problem. If it’s not the Behavior Shield, you may try the same with other modules, especially those recently introduced.