Win 2003 Terminal - change the right of object's creation ?


We have a problem when installing Windows 2003 Terminal Server.

A message appears “changer les droit de création d’objet…” in english it could be something like that :
“change the right of object’s creation”.

I don’t know what to do.


Is the server part of a domain? Or maybe it’s even a domain controller?

Yes it is in a domain but is not a domain controler !

OK, go to
Administrative Tools → Local Security Policy → User Rights Assignment
and edit the settings for the “Create Global Objects” privilege (Add the “Everyone” group to the list of accounts that have this privilege assigned).



We, now, have a new problem !

The antivirus has been configured to secure internet services, internet mail and p2p only.

All the users are on the terminal server and have Outlook XP. during 1 week all worked fine, but today they can not send/receive messages any more.

Is it Avast blocking this ?

  1. I miss the Outlook/Exchange shield in your list. Is it disabled intentionally? (if you’re using Outlook, it’s shame to disable it).

  2. If the Outlook/Exchange shield is really not active, all scanning will be taken over by the “Internet Mail” provider.

I recommend enabling the Outlook/Exchange provider in the first place.
