WIN 32:MalOB-H

Every time windows sign in, avast will detect two files containing Win32:MalOb. As far as I concern, I just reformat the laptop myself and it was free from virus. I moved all the infected viruses to the chest. The fourth time appearance of the virus causes my laptop to malfunctioning and blue screen. Will you mind to fix this problem? Almost all my times I spent to fix the laptop and I have been frustrated due to huge amount of works that needed to be finished. It affected my works and now, I required your helps.
In another few hours, the viruses took control of the system. Avast could not delete or moved the infected files to chest. The only available solution is to ignore it because it popped up a lot of times within seconds.
The files are:
D[1].exe will duplicate itself with another file.
Avast detected d[1].exe files with 230.exe. Another second, 457.exe with d[1].exe. I tried to find the files but it’s not in the system.

I tried all sorts of things but it cannot be removed. The best part is that the viruses knows better on the systems itself. Avast couldn’t detect the virus when the pendrive is plug in but managed to detect it once it create its duplicate files on temporary folder in local setting. Even local setting went missing for a while…

I am using Norton Antivirus, Prevx and Avast Antivirus but none managed to throw this antivirus. I am starting to get tired with viruses and formatting my own laptop.

Get DR.WEB rescue disk from here and manual here and burn it to a disc. follow instructions in the link i have given.

note: in the options, select: cleaning of files, if its infected.

@nmb, I don’t think a rescue disk is necessary.


Having more than one antivirus is a bad idea. They’ll conflict. Norton is a resource hog. Uninstall them before you reinstall avast.

Download these removal tools and uninstall them.

Prevx Removal Tool

Norton Removal Tool

avast! Removal Tool (reinstall Avast after you uninstall Prevx and Norton)

I suggest MBAM for malware removal and RootRepeal in case the malware comes with rootkits.

oh! i forgot to write this : use only one antivirus.

regarding the dr.web cd, you can get that and scan.