Win 32 restarter-D [spy] virusw problem

Hello Moderators.

I run Windows XP Pro SP2, IE7. I use Avast Home. I ran a scan boot up scan this evening and the scan revealed virus at caption in filed named Restart.exe situate in C:\WINDOWS\syustem 32\tools. The file is now in the virus chest.

I am uncertain whether to delete the file or to disinfect the same. I have tried the stand alone download at Alwil but to no avail.

Can anyone asist? I would like to be rid of that virus. I already made a post but the same aparently disappeared. I can find it nowhere in this forum.

This system is used for the running of my business.

Thanking you for any assistance rendered.

standeb. ???

First, whatever it is, it can’t do any harm in the Virus Chest.
Leave it there for a month and if no ill effects are apparent, delete it.

If you’re still curious, restore ‘Restart.exe’ from the chest, got to:

Using the ‘Browse’ button, browse to ‘Restart.exe’ on your PC, then press the ‘Submit’ button.

Wait while the file is scanned.

If you get a result like the attached image, it’s not exactly malware but it is something I’ve seen and collected before. In those cases removing it has not caused any apparent problems.

On a different subject, while I appreciate your brazen openness, using Avast Home in your business does raise questions about your ‘paralegal’ integrity! :o ;D

Hello Vladimyr,

Your thread was received and the contents duly noted. Thank you so much for the same.

I shall adhere to the suggestions you made.

I made an incorrect statement in saying that I use my machine in my business. I work with a firm of Attorneys. I do private work at home for other Attorneys on my system. I do not run a commercial business but rather moonlight some. You were quite right in your surmise given the manner of language I used and I have embarrassed myself in so doing. My apologies are
herewith conveyed to you and hope that the same is accepted.

Thank you for your prompt and timely assistance. I shall be more careful in making inadvertent statements which will lead to embarrassment in future.

Best regards.
