Maybe someone don’t know some old little tricks. ;D
Please, don’t change anytrhing without backup the Registry!!!
Maybe someone don’t know some old little tricks. ;D
Please, don’t change anytrhing without backup the Registry!!!
2 - please, note: is not underlined (my mistake) but you must also open the “MAIN” folder (step 7) … sorry
Do you like to see your Windows version number on the desktop screen? I’m sure… ;D
If you are ready, follow the instructions:
start → digit “regedit” and click OK → select and open the Registry Key named “HKeyCurrentUser” → open Desktop → now double click on “PaintDesktopVersion” and write the value 1 instead of 0 (zero).
Close and reboot the system. In the low right side of the screen you can see the complete name and number of your OS.
Kamulko, You can do the same with Fresh UI from Besides, it’s free. ;D
Yes! And with TweakUI (by Microsoft-free) and many other programs… Is not the same thing in my opinion. I like the Registry, I like to “know how”… A parrot can tell you an entire chapter of the Odissey but I doubt he can understand something: this is the difference!