Win32:Burper Joke ( VirusTotal engine VS my avast! )

Check Below !

Virus total report →

Avast 6.0.1289.0 2011.12.30 Win32:Burper [Joke]

I am updated !!

WTF ???

Am I wrong at something ???

You have to enable PUP detection for it to be detected.

In custom scan settings or what ?? can u guide ??
Cause i left it on default settings only while installing …
Now i even have the enable PUP “on” under custom scan options … ???

I have PUP enabled in all shields and all scans.

Didn’t work !!
After enabling PUP “on” in all shields avast! blocks it while Downloading through web shield …
But fails to clear the Downloaded File … says it has no threat …

This is the file :

Here when pup is enabled then its detected.

Mostly I have seen if the detection is a pup then its mentioned with the detection like win32Trojan(PUP)but this detection doesn’t shows PUP with the detection name as usually Avast shows.


Besides the File System Shield PUP, have you tried setting higher sensitivity and enabling PUP also in the “scan from windows explorer” manual scan?

Please report back.

Here select folder to scan configured to detect PUP & sensitivity set to high detects it.

Which scan should I congigure for context menu scan?

My "select folder to scan settings "

Didn’t help !! Scan ended with no findings …

But While opening it blocked it – Which it did not do b4 with heur “factory settings”
But how can VT find that ?? Does VT try to open the file ?

That would be the scan from windows explorer ::slight_smile:

But how can VT find that ?? Does VT try to open the file ?

quote VirusTotal

*VirusTotal AV engines are commandline versions, so depending on the product, they will not behave exactly the same as the desktop versions: for instance, desktop solutions may use techniques based on behavioral analysis and count with personal firewalls that may decrease entry points and mitigate propagation, etc. *In VirusTotal desktop-oriented solutions coexist with perimeter-oriented solutions; heuristics in this latter group may be more aggressive and paranoid, since the impact of false positives is less visible in the perimeter. It is simply not fair to compare both groups.

I understand how this avast! works … :frowning:
Thanks for the response …

I am running the latest version on XP SP3. Under Scan category I dont have the scan you have shown in the screenshot i.e Scan with Windows Explorer?? I have 4 scans i.e Quick, Full, Removable Media & Select folder scan.


below the scan type say below quick scan there is more details button… . its in the bottom to the right… click on it and it will show scan for pup…from there u can switch it to on or off…i have it on in all my scans and in all my real time shields…

Go to avast main GUI → settings → basic → “show special scans in avast user interface”. Then review again the scan types available.

On the main window of AvastUI, at the top is Settings. Click on that, and on the Basic Settings is “Show special scans in the avast! user interface”. Checkmark it and then it will appear.

We enable PUP on everything!

And set Web Shiels sensitivity to HIGH!