Hello, I just joined this site for just the reason of these viruses, (and rootkit) above.
At first, the only thing affecting my PC was just random pop-ups, but now I can’t even log into my PC unless it is in safe mode.
I can’t format because Windows gave me the wrong CD key.
AVG 8.5 only detects the win32/cryptor.
Avast! found the Alureon-V and rootkit.
I also have malwarebytes, spybot, SuperAntispyware, and Ad-Aware (this may seem excessive but I only downloaded SAS, MB, and Avast! today just for this little problem).
Any help would be greatly appreciated because I really need my PC in working order this week for school.
You should know AVG and Avast! cause problems. AVG Removal Tool
But before you do that, did AVG remove the virus?
Ad-Aware is a old anti-virus that should be removed if you want more space on your harddrive.
::If you can’t paste all of the stuff, copy at least half of the stuff and paste it in the next post::
Download HijackThis 2.0.2 Here and do a system scan and a save log file. Copy all the findings in the save log file and paste the findings in your next post. Then try a boot time scan to see if it can remove the viruses after you done that.