

This is my first post, but I sure need some answers in a hurry. I have members at the Computer Helps website that I help manage that are going bonkers with this issue. Avast is going nuts on us with a Win32.Delf-MZG popup warnings…Can you please shed some light on this matter…

Thsnk you in advance


read here:


Give some thought to installing imaging software like Acronis on your computer. After Avast made my computer inoperable, I simply restored to a three day old image and I was back up and running.

For some files still have a false positive.

I hope that Avast will fix this bug ASAP.

I am sure Avast is embarrassed that they deployed this bug to live production and I hope they take pride of ownership to fix this bug.

I have to spend ridiculous amounts of time to get around this Avast bug.

As a matter of fact - when will you fix this bug Avast?

As far as I’m aware it has been fixed ???

Are you still having issues?

At 5:50am GMT, another VPS update (091203-1) was released, fixing the issue (for both "Win32:Delf-MZG" and "Win32:Zbot-MKK"). Those who have not used their computers between 12:15am and 5:50am will most likely not be affected.

Hello kenc,

if you are talking about Win32:Delf-MZG false positive, it is already fixed. see here :

scott you are fast :wink:



I did not receive the 091203-1 update. Is it necessary since they have released 091204-0?


Its now at 091204-0 and at least 091203-1 is necessary to prevent false positives.

I don’t know why they didn’t release this one to me. I hope it’s not too late, but I’m afraid perhaps it is. Geez now what?

Thank you for your reply!

Does the 091204-0 update fix the false positives situation?


Hi. The latest virus defs. from Avast are okay. :slight_smile: If you have the latest version 091204-0 you’re safe.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

Yes. To get rid of the false positive occurred by 091203-0, 091203-1 and later definitions are necessary. So, there is nothing to worry about.

Thanks guys!


Thanks from me, too!

Appreciate your quick response. This experience was a doozy!!! :o

I have recently finished a boot time scan and have received a win32 pup-gen virus message on cain and abel.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar to this?
Your feed back is much appreciated thank you!

First, Please start your own thread by clicking the new thread tab.

Second, if Cain and Abel is a game, have you tried turning off the PUP scan?