This is my first post, but I sure need some answers in a hurry. I have members at the Computer Helps website that I help manage that are going bonkers with this issue. Avast is going nuts on us with a Win32.Delf-MZG popup warnings…Can you please shed some light on this matter…
Give some thought to installing imaging software like Acronis on your computer. After Avast made my computer inoperable, I simply restored to a three day old image and I was back up and running.
At 5:50am GMT, another VPS update (091203-1) was released, fixing the issue (for both "Win32:Delf-MZG" and "Win32:Zbot-MKK").
Those who have not used their computers between 12:15am and 5:50am will most likely not be affected.
I have recently finished a boot time scan and have received a win32 pup-gen virus message on cain and abel.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar to this?
Your feed back is much appreciated thank you!