

This is my first post, but I sure need some answers in a hurry. I have members at the Computer Helps website that I help manage that are going bonkers with this issue. Avast is going nuts on us with a Win32.Delf-MZG popup warnings…Can you please shed some light on this matter…

Thank you in advance


Hi there,

This case has been resolved by new update for VPS 031209-1.

Welcome to the forum

A follow up question…

Thank you very much for the welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Now, I have another question? After doing the restore I got an error … so I went to step 2, and did the extract. The program involved is now working just fine, but the files that were extracted are still in the Virus Chest? (there were only two, one for the security program and one for another) It just makes me a little leery about deleting the files from the chest. Please, shed some light on this for me. Is it perfectly okies to delete the files from the Chest, NOW?

It makes all kind of sense to me that all is well since the program works, BUT when I go to add/remove to uninstall it, and get a new copy it tells me it has already been uninstalled and I cannot remove it. It just asks do I want to remove the program from the list. This is not right and that is why I feel leery about this whole thing.

Thanks for your help,


Extract and Restore for that matter, is actually a copy and paste, a copy will remain in the chest. After you Extracted, etc. check the location you sent it to and if present then you can delete the copy in the chest. This is the reason a copy is left in the chest (I believe), to ensure that the extract/restore succeed, otherwise you could be left with no copy.

Thank you very much David for your reply…I have done the extraction and I see the file and know it is on the desktop. I extracted it to the desktop, so that is np. My issue is, and I think maybe I know what is wrong. I downloaded a new copy of the security program to my desktop in preparation to install a new copy after I uninstalled the old one. This is where the problem comes into play. When I go to add/remove I cannot uninstall the old copy. I get a popup that it has already been uninstall and do I want to remove it from the list. I click NO, because the program is there and working just fine since I extracted the file to the desktop? Is the issue here the fact that I did not put that file back in the proper place? Maybe because it is not in the proper place is why add/remove thinks the program is not there? After I extracted the file for the security program I tested the program and all worked just fine, but I want to uninstall it so I can install the one sitting on the desktop, and get everything working properly now.

Thanks for your help,


It depends on what the file name is ?
Lets say it was the uninstall file, if that were missing then there would be no file, so the presumption may be that it has been uninstalled.

Yes, you may need to place it in the place where it was originally (depending on the above question) and Restore does that, places it back in the original location. This is more so if the uninstall failure refers to a missing file (e.g. the one you are trying to restore).

Some applications (and you don’t say which one ?) allow for over-installation without having to uninstall, so that may be a possibility, but before attempting that you need to know if it is possible. The programs web site may be able to indicate if this is possible.

Let me say… this is not my computer I am working in remote on a members computer. We work in a chatroom from 7-11pm est. I am assistant to a very good Tech. He is sick right now and I don’t want to bother him with this.

I could not restore the file, because I got an error… so I went to step 2 and extracted the file, which was successful, BUT I extracted it to the desktop, and I believe that is the issue. It is not where it belongs, and that is why I cannot go to add/remove and uninstall the old copy. I have a new download sitting on the desktop ready to install when I get the old copy out. If this program was anything but a security program I would not be as concerned, but since it was involved in the attack even (though it is working fine) I rather get it out and install the new copy.