Win32:Dialer-gen found

Hey everyone, hopefully I’m just being paranoid and this is a false positive.

I just did a destructive recovery on my pc. I’ve installed Avast before downloading any updates and started a scan and it found this Win32:Dialer-gen. Said the infected file was C:\Program Files\Online Services\PeoplePC\Utilities\AtlBrowser.exe When I try to find the file under run it won’t even let me. It says windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions blah blah blah.

Does this sound like a false positive. I don’t see how I could be infected when I just reformatted the hardrive. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I need to learn a little more about these things.


Well when you try to run any executable file, first avast will intercept the call, if it detects something then it will alert

I don’t know what you mean by a destructive recovery of your system ?
If that means a repair install it wouldn’t touch the AtlBrowser.exe file as that isn’t a system file.
If you formatted the partition and reinstalled windows then it would be gone, so did you reinstall the browser and what was the source (that could be infected) ?

You don’t say what OS it is or if the account you are using is a common/limited user account that would have permissions on that folder, etc. ?

Outside of trying to run a suspect file (not very wise), can you find it using windows explorer in the folder ?

If you do manage to find it - You could also check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner and report the findings here. You can’t do this with the file securely in the chest, you need to extract it to a temporary (not original) location first, see below.

Create a folder called Suspect in the C:\ drive, e.g. C:\Suspect. Now exclude that folder in the Standard Shield, Customize, Advanced, Add, type (or copy and paste) C:\Suspect* That will stop the standard shield scanning any file you put in that folder. You should now be able to export any file in the chest to this folder and upload it to VirusTotal without avast alerting.

If it is indeed a false positive, see, how to report it to avast! and what to do to exclude them until the problem is corrected.

I don’t think it’s an FP and I wouldn’t recommend that service. I beginning to think it’s possible that PeoplePC uses deceptive advertising on TV to trick the consumer into downloading their software.

There’s a good reason it might be an infection because avast! is detecting multiple variants of dialers using its “-gen” generic signature.

Far as recovery I mean I reformated the hardrive this morning. So it cleaned everything out basically and put it to what it was like when I just bought it.

First thing I did when I got it up and running again was install Norton and then I downloaded Avast and scanned it when it caught that file. So is this a file that was on the computer when I bought it? It has to be since I reformatted it right? I’m not very computer literate so bare with me here. I’m not using the file at all so I guess I should just delete it. I also scanned it with Norton Security and it didn’t find anything wrong with it. I’m just wondering if I should be worried about anything. What exactly is a dialer anyway or what could be going on with my computer that I should be concerned about because of this?

Here’s the info on dialers.

Having more than one resident av service is not recommended as they will cause conflicts with each other.