Spy Bot keeps finding this virus and can’t remove it Win32.downloader.gen. :-[
I cannot reformat because something is keeping my laptop from booting from the Win 7 disk at all. :-[
help! I’m a woman! ;D
Please download DDS and save it to your Desktop from here:
Double click dds to run the tool.
* When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:
1. DDS.txt
2. Attach.txt
Save both reports to your desktop. DDS.txt and Attach.txt attach back to topic.
I only get malware when i try to dowload that file.
what program detect it? …
internet explorer? Try to download from diferent browser.
Feel free to ignore that warning, tools that I give you are non-invasive & legit malware removal tools.
I have the same problem…older woman here …please help!!
to get help, start your own topic and explain your problem