Win32:Evo-gen[Susp] on VB.Net Service

Hi there.
About one year ago I developed three windows services with VB.Net 2010, which were deployed on several installations and run with no problem… so far. But a few days ago I began to get warnings on my development and test machines (which run Avast from the very beginning), stating that Win32:Evo-gen[Susp] was found on those services executables. They were automatically moved to the isolation box, with no choice to repear.
I updated Avast and viruses database and analyzed the files, but no virus is found in the scan, only when they execute or are being copied to another location.
I sent two of the files to Avast, but got no answer till now.
I serched the forums here, and could see it seems to be some rather common false positive. Even in one post of some months ago it is announced that this issue would be addressed in the new version of Avast.
Too, as per one post sugestion, I sent the files to, and no infection was found.
Please, I will very much appreciate you attention and eventually confirmating the addressing of the issues with these (possibly) false positives, or providing a way to remove the virus (if any).
Thank you very much in advance.

you can report and upload the file to avast lab here

Ok, just uploded as instructed.
Hope to hear from you soon