Is this trojan automaticaly renaming itself before spreading? Mij computer uses Avast 5.0 home (free version) and warns for win32:Kates-AT.
Avast quarantine-voult gathers numerous files, all named “fmlo.tmp”
Downloads and executing apps (including shut-down) gives problems, in general the computer is terribly slow. Windows Explorer (v. 7) chrashes and needs rebooting.
I need help, till this moment I have used Avast for about 4 years (very satisfied up till now) and never was hit by this sort of trouble.
Please share your knowledge with me.
Pondus, thanks for your info. Interesting to read!
Hope that it will help in solving the problem.
Have already used Avast, AdAware, Malwarebytes, Spywarefighter and Spybot Search & Destroy.
Only Avast calls detections (p.e. when I open a appl.), the other progrs call no contaminations or report “Nothing found”
Will try OTL at last and hope tHAT avast can update the lib. so it cleans my system after the next update.