Win32 Klez-H

Hi everybody,
First of all, I must confess that I do not know anything about viruses, trojans, and so on,…so please, do not pay attention to the stupid things I could say in this message…hum.
Well, I’ve recently been infected by win32-h. We used the avast 4 to clean up our local disks. We deleted most of the infected files. Howerver, we still have a problem with a system file called winstart001.exe. We can not manage to repair it.
Does anybody know how to deal with this issue ? Is there a special thing to be done ? Do we have to run a particular plug in…Well, whatever the solution, it will be the very welcome. Thanks in advanbce for your help.

What kind of problem do you have? Winstart001.exe is not a Systemfile. I think it is the Klez worm.

Or aren´t you able to start any Programm and windows say that it needs this winstart001 Programm? If so, you can find a solution here:;action=display;threadid=259;start=0