I have been using Avast!4 Home Users, for the last 4 months or so. It saved me from multiple hits of the WIN32:swen worm.
My e-mail software is: Microsoft Outlook part of Office XP SBE. All my programs and Microsoft Windows are up to date.
VPS version: 0310-10, 14.11.2003
Today, I get e-mail and the alarm that “A Virus Was Found!”. A new virus to me the [b]Win32:MiMail-I [Wrm]
BUT! Avast will not Move/Rename or delete or Repair or Move to chest. It keeps repeating “avast!: the system cannot find the file specified”
It seemed the thing to do. In the mean time, I went to the offending message in my inbox and tried permanently deleting it. And so it vanished.
I then downloaded the lastes cleaner and let it run. It found no infection.
BUT it did find some troubleing files that “could not be scanned”. They were:
All Users.NEWXP\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr0.dat… file could not be scanned!
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.NEWXP\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr1.dat… file could not be scanned!
C:\Documents and Settings\Gregory.EDMANDLAND\Local Settings\Temp\Perflib_Perfdata_804.dat… file could not be scanned!
I found these files. The first two were last accessed over 12 hours ago. I could not manually delete them!
During the runtime of your operating system, it’s perfectly normal that some files cannot be accessed. It’s usual nothing to worry about (though, they are exceptions of course - as with the recent Sober worm).
The Cleaner doesn’t report the most common unaccessible files (such as the usual registry files, swap file etc) - because as I said, it’s perfectly OK. I don’t know what are those 3 files you mention - but they don’t look dangerous (and they are certainly not related to the MiMail-I worm).
I would suggest not to worry about them, they’re probably just a part of your OS (therefore, it may not be the best idea to delete them!).
If you get an e-mail message warning you that your PayPal account is about to expire, don’t open it. If you open it, don’t double-click the attachment. If you double-click the attachment, don’t complete the form asking for your credit card information. And if you do fill in the form, call your credit card company immediately.
did you try the avast Cleaner, running it as Admin ?
delete the above file via:
control panel → Internetoptions → general → delete Temp.Int.Files → Check Offline files also → OK
Do this for all different users on the PC