win32 trojano-141

???can someone please tell me what win32 trojano-141 is please, and what harm can it do, had big problems trying to move it, fairly new to pc’s and Avast, any help appreciated thank you,

Hi Suszannah and welcome,
I’m a new avast! user and I don’t know this trojan, but you must find a virus removal toolkit on the avast! home page. Don’t panic, there’are a lot of guys here to help you (sorry not me I’m just a user, not a specialist…) :wink:

:)thank you, you made me feel welcome, just learning about pc’s, and I fee the best way is to ask people who know better, havn’t quite mastered Avast yet but trying. Thank you x

Hi Suszannah it’s Niko again,
I forgot to ask you which OS are you using and if you update it frequently (critical security updates) ?

Hi Niko using win ME I think pc was set to do automatic updates, will have to ask the guy who did it for me

ME is the worst OS I think, change it as soon as possible !
Good luck and let me know if you kill this trojan !
Niko :wink:

:othought I was upgrading for the better, did have win 98 with loads of probs. Will let you know how I get on, hope someone knows what this trojan is! Had advice last night from had 43000 restore files didn’t know how to turn restore off, now it only takes me 20 mins for a spyware scan instead of 2 hours, shows these forums are wellworth while.

I ask a very good guy on this forum to help you. I trust him a lot and I think your pb will be soon only a nightmare you know !

Would you happen to know the location of the infected file(s)?


A good place to start looking at information on how we can help you is the User’s FAQ thread.

This will give a range of common questions/answers and importantly thr information we need to help.

Followed by this by this one General Advice&Tools for virus/trojan/malware removal



hi software guy, the infected files Avast found were C:\Windows\downloaded program files\ 1.exe, 1 x DLR24.exe, 1 x DLDR17.exe also recycled\1.exe, messages were off Avast, error occurred during repair, not sure if this is the information you wanted, I don’t think I downloaded a program just going through web sites.

Hi DavidR thank you for the advice, only had Avast a few days, so still not used to the program and forum etc, trying to find my way around it, I’m sure I will get there eventually, Have been reading through forum and it did help me when I thought I had virus called Kuang 2, so I read all the replies to other peoples queries and realised it was my previous Panda software that caused the problem. SUSZANNAH


just move the files to the chest with avast or delete them manually…
may work better in SafeMode (press F8 when booting)

whocares Thanks for advice virus cleared but would like to know more about this trojan, curious about what it could have done, many thanks again :slight_smile:


it’s a trojan downloader of the SMALL family, read here:
for more details & descriptions

Hi whocares, thanks for info, had the trojan back today, but cleared it, at least I found out how I got it, I was downloading songwords for my daughter on both occassions, so it could be either of 2 sites, which I will avoid in future. :slight_smile: