Avast has found the trojan “Win32:Trojano-163 [Trj]” and delete. I tried to find something out about Win32:Trojano-163 [Trj], but i dont a lot. Nothing,i understand (google). What does this Trojan do? i had lost a lot of Data and hope this trojans deleted it, otherweise a had a virus, norton, avast und Antivir dont found.
Be glad Avast found it You don’t want a infected system Trojano is a general term for Trojan. (think of the trojan horse, history lessons) If you can give me the name and location where it was found I may be able to give you a lot of details about it.
It was in a “DVDShrink2.0” file. I had open it 1 or 2 days ago. And this morning a found out, that a had lost a lot of data, on a (open)pgp disk. grrr, can you say me, it is possibel that this trojan deleted all the files?