Win32:Trojano-2193 HELP PLEASE

I can’t remove this virus, and can’t find any info on it on the web.

If malware can be found, it can be removed.
Follow the instructions on THIS PAGE

What is your OS?
Why can’t you remove it, what errors/warnings are displayed?
Where was it found, e.g. what was the filename, where was it found
example (C:\windows\system32\

If you can’t delete it, move it to the chest, and then if you can’t, make sure to do a thorough scan using the avast! anti-virus screen.

@ Ricky
If you can’t delete it, it is unlikely you will be able to move it for the same reason, the file is in use. If the file is in use a thorough scan no matter how you start it won’t be able to do it either for the same reason the file is in use.

Only rebooting into safe mode and running a scan there may be able to delete or move as it may not be in use.

But the best way to remove it is to schedule a boot-time scan from within avast!, assuming your OS allows this (XP or w2k, NT Based OSes).

But first and foremost we need to know why they couldn’t delete it and what his OS is before we can properly advise how to tackle it.