Win32:Turla-G [Trj] moved to viruschest, am I safe now?


When I performed with (recently installed and updated, paid version ) Avast Internet Security a full systemscan,
it has found the Win32:Turla-G [Trj] on C:\SystemVolumeInfo\catalog.wci\00000002.ps2
The viruschest says last changes were on 26th March 2014, moved to Viruschest on 4th April 2014

Is my computer save now that it has been moved to the viruschest? and/or how do I remove this trojan completely from my computer ?

Like I said, it says that last changes were made on 26th March. On the 27th March a computercompany has replaced my Windows XP with Windows 7.
So it may be an old file that is not active, but I do not know if it can still do damage

I have not noticed anything strange on the computer (but I am not used to Windows 7, so how can I tell really?)
Only that since yesterday, 3rd April the icon of OpenOffice Writer has dissapeared now showing a standard blank.

Please find attached MBAMlog, OTLlogs and aswMBR-logs

Thanks in advance for your help,

regards, Saskia

it is located in a restore point..... Delete restore points and create new

Thanks for your quick answer :).
I have done as you said, then restarted the pc and am now running again the Avast full systemscan, and after that I will do the MBAMscan. I will let you know if it comes up with anything.

Avast and MBAM do not find anything anymore. :slight_smile:

The file is still in the viruschest. Can I tell Avast to remove it or do I leave it there ?


thats up to you… there is no rush to delete anything from the chest, i usually let it stay for a week or two

how to use the chest.

clean, quarantine or delete.

No apparent malware

Thanks. Topic closed then :slight_smile: