Right. I have no idea how to do this, as I know very little about worms and such, and because of the sheer magnitude.
Okay, I’ve tried several times to write this down as briefly as possible but it’s impossible, so I’ll just bring up one problem at a time.
I ran a scan, and among other goodies, I came up with about… 30 cases of Win32:Vibpack[Wrm]. I looked over some other threads to see if I could find an answer, but I couldn’t. There was simply too much information for me, too many different tips. I hope this is just Ad-Aware and Avast messing around but…
Right, it seems the most affected place was a folder I saw mention of earlier;
C:\Documents and Settings.…\Complete
There’s a bunch of .zip-files
There are also some in C:\Program Files\Winupdates
And… Well, I think that’s about it. And that’s just the first of my problems. But for now, I’m sure that’s not really very helpful, but if someone would be so kind as to instruct me so that I can actually deal with this problem… Would be most appreciated.
It may be worth noting, I don’t know, that several of these files seem to be associated with things I’ve never seen before. The names, I mean. Maybe it makes sense to someone who. knows. what. this. folder. is.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any help. Any. Whatsoever.
From a quick Google, it looks like C:\Documents and Settings.…\Complete is the download folder for Limewire P2P, and that some Zip files on Limewire may be infected by Win32:Vibpack:
If you have not opened the files, you should be OK: just delete them.
The folder C:\Program Files\Winupdates may indicate you have an worm infection. Run a boot time scan with avast! (right click on the scanner screen, select ‘schedule a boot time scan’ and reboot as requested) and send any infected files to the chest as detected.
Many thanks. I’m doing a boot scan right now, and it’s taking a while. A long while. But I’ll leave it on and then proceed with the other things. Hopefully it’ll work out.
Hopefully this’ll solve some of the other things I found, too.
Anyway, I’ll be sure to update once it actually finishes. Thanks again!