Win32: Vitro - Not sure infected or not

Hi, earlier today I tried to crack a game (Because I’m an idiot who should have just bought it) and Avast kept zapping my crack. I ended up copy and pasting into the desktop and proceeded to scan the files just for the heck of it, and Avast says it’s Vitro.

Anyway, I go into panic mode and start googling the virus, and it turns out, its pretty nasty ain’t it?

Thing is, I’ve not really noticed any changes to my computer since that incident. No crazy files being downloaded or fishy warning signs appearing. No delay of any sort. I’ve run the Avast full scan and got nothing, then ran Malware Bytes several times and got nothing there, ran the boot-time scanner on avast and got nothing, and now I’m running Avast again to see if there’s anything.

The person who I got the crack from is usually reliable (Or so have friends told me), so when he said your AV might catch the crack as a virus but that is not the case, I tend to believe him (Not that I condone what he does). Is there a chance that this might be the case? Or if your AV catches a Vitro, there’s no bsing involved; it’s a virus?

How can I exactly check, because if it indeed is a virus, I’d rather get the formatting process in order ASAP.

You might want to scan your system with a second opinion scanner (one that does not interfere with your regular AV).

Go to Emsisoft and download the Emsisoft Free Emergency Kit from here.

  • Double click on the EmsisoftEmergencyKit.exe file and then click on Extract to unpack the files (the default directory of C:\EEK is fine).
    • Go to the new directory and right click on Start Emergency Kit Scanner.exe and choose ‘Run as Administrator’.
    • Once the scanner loads, allow it check for updates.
    • When the updates are finished, click the BACK button to return to the main menu.
    • Click on the SCAN and select Malware Scan to start scanning your system. Please enable the PUA/PUP/PMA detection option.
    • If the scan finds anything, it will open a scan finding window. Please click on View Report; copy this report and paste it here in reply post.
    • Please close the Emergency Kit Scanner program now.

Emsisoft Emergency Kit - Version 11.0
Last update: 07-Jun-16 9:00:27 AM
User account: DESKTOP-5UDE5HJ\Murhaf

Scan settings:

Scan type: Custom Scan
Objects: Rootkits, Memory, Traces, C:\

Detect PUPs: On
Scan archives: On
ADS Scan: On
File extension filter: Off
Advanced caching: On
Direct disk access: Off

Scan start: 07-Jun-16 9:10:43 AM

Scanned 902461
Found 0

Scan end: 07-Jun-16 9:27:25 AM
Scan time: 0:16:42

So it’s a failsafe and I got lucky this time?

Win32:Vitro is a detection for a variant of a polymorphic virus that has identical characteristics. This threat will infect executable files in order to spread itself on computers and network environment. Upon installation, this virus may establish a connection so that remote attacker may gain control on the infected computer. Win32:Vitro can also steal sensitive data such as user name, password, and relevant information. Win32:Vitro hides its presence from anti-virus application and may open a backdoor that allows a remote attacker to achieve unauthorized access on infected computer. From time to time, it tries to communicate to a distant server to download additional threats or update its present configuration.

Do you still have this file?

If so, scan it on and attached the scan results here.