Win32DiskImager false positive

The software from SourceForge - which can be found here: is returning as a false positive. This software is quite useful for creating images to SD cards for things like Raspberry PI or Banana Pi or arduino.

PLEASE fix this false positive.

PLEASE fix this false positive.
Then you need to report it

Scroll down to submit a ticket

The problem may lie in that you are trying to download from sourceforge.
Sourceforge has been problematic in the past.
Try downloading that software from another site.
Softpedia is one which comes to mind. There are others.

I understand the fact that sourceforge can be problematic…But I really hope that simply blocking sourceforge isn’t the answer. I’m a coder, and use sourceforge quite frequently…And for the record: 1) I did submit a ticket and 2) i tried to download the software from 3 other sites and Avast threw up the virus flag on two of them…the signature says something about being “FileRepMalware”. Checked all three with 2 other virus scanners as well as uploading to VirusTotal and no issues.

FileRepMalware = File with low reputation, used by few … may happen after updates

What do you see if you click the Details button?

you may report here

I get this when I hit details…not really informative…