Win64:PUP-gen recurring problem

Hi guys,
Laptop running Windows 10 64-bit with paid-for Avast Internet Security and paid-for Malwarebytes Premium 3.
Avast threat pop-up for the past few days referring to C:Windows\Temp\SppExtComObjHook.dll infected by Win64:PUP-gen [PUP].
The last threat pop-up was referring to Malwarebytes as the culprit?
Would appreciate your help please.

The log from Mbam is missing.

What is KMS doing on your system ?

Upload SppExtComObjHook.dll at
if scanned before, click rescan for a fresh result

post link to scan result here

Sorry forgot the MBAM log. Here it is. Will upload the dll to virustotal now and post the link.

I can’t upload the dll to virustotal “Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software”.

@Eddy What is KMS? This is a friend’s computer.

Ok, tell your friend to use only legal software (including Windows).

Ok will do. Is that related to the virus issue?

Win64:PUP-gen [PUP] is not a virus, PUP = Possible Unwanted Program

"Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software"
What give this message?

It must be Firefox I guess. I tried temporarily disabling Avast because I thought it was that but it wasn’t.

and if you upload to VT using another browser?

It worked in IE.

And I’ve ordered a legit copy of Windows 10 for this computer 8)

If possible I’d like to clean this up before I make a backup and install the legit Windows, in case the PUP/virus comes along with the backup.
Is there anything I can do to make sure the data is clean before I back her computer up?

Only backup data and scan the backup.

Ok, thanks for your help :slight_smile: