I installed Avast ! Free 2016 on my new windows 10 Laptop,After installing avast the windows is going to automatic repair while booting windows
anyone have solution for this problem ??
I installed Avast ! Free 2016 on my new windows 10 Laptop,After installing avast the windows is going to automatic repair while booting windows
anyone have solution for this problem ??
What Antivirus was installed on that new PC and how was it removed prior to installing Avast ?
SNIP> "I installed Avast ! Free 2016 on my new windows 10 Laptop,After installing avast the windows is going to automatic repair while booting windows
anyone have solution for this problem" ??
Most often ‘new PC’s’ come with an Anti Virus “pre-installed” which needs to be removed, preferably with venders Removal Tool, BEFORE installing Avast which Bob3160 was referring too.
That’s what I was referring to.
Yes “referring”
There is no any other anti viruses only Windows defender,
I also tried after disabling Windows defender ,The problem is repeated.
And i also tried with offline installer but the setup could not be completed,an error is returning while initiating set up.
The message is “The installer unable to initialize early Avast self-defence with error 0x00000241! Aborting!”
The screenshot of error is attached.