Windows 10 - Everything you Need and Want to Know

Some New shortcuts in Windows 10

Snapping window: Windows key + Left or Right — Can be used with UP or DOWN to get into quadrants.
Quadrants is the new Snap view mode that pins apps to the four quarters of the screen.
Switch to recent window: Alt + Tab – LeBlanc says: “Hold shows new Task View window view, let go and switches to app.”
Task view: Windows + Tab – LeBlanc says: “New Task view opens up and stays open.”
Create new virtual desktop: Windows key + Ctrl + D
Close current virtual desktop: Windows key + Ctrl + F4
Switch virtual desktop : Windows key + Ctrl + Left or Right

Windows 10 In Pictures

Does windows 10 include any significant performance boosts?

Most of the current “Virtual Desktop”, I think will be stupid since VirtualBox, Virtual PC etc are already out.

Well, it runs much better than Window 8.1 in my VMs on the same specs.

I think that’s more wishful thinking than actual fact since windows 8 was already pretty optimized.
I’ve installed it on a separate partition on the same drive as Windows 8.1. I really find no speed difference between
the two OS.
That said, I haven’t run any tests to confirm or deny that perception.
To me those types of tests really mean very little.
Just like my AV it’s actual real world usage that determines what I think of the product. :slight_smile:


Thanks for this thread Bob, subscribed. :slight_smile:

My 64bit win10 won’t accept Avast - campatability issue.
When will this be resolved ?
Have others experienced it ?

avast! at this point does not support this new and still in development OS.
Patience. avast! will work in Windows 10 when it gets closer to being officially released.
Right now Windows 10 is still a Preview Release. Not even in beta stage.
If you’re running Windows 10 then your default protection is provided by Microsoft Defender.
There are some other AV’s that work on Windows 10. More information available at:

Hi Bob
Snip> “There are some other AV’s that work on Windows 10”

Bob, my concern is ‘How effective’ or ‘reliable’ would any 3rd. party AV be in an OS who’s code will be constantly changing

Edit: Yes, and I also think this will be/is a very good Topic :wink:

It should be just as effective as it was in Windows 8.1 since Windows 10 basically uses the same OS with some modifications.
Can’t wait till avast! will be among those that can be installed on Windows 10. Right now, it’s Windows Defender. I just can’t bring myself to installing a competitors product.

I noticed a massive increase like Steven, Bob.

My Virtual Machine takes only a few seconds to boot up. Non-SSD, 32GB of HDD Space + 4GB of RAM… Windows 8.1 for me took the same time on an SSD (32GB) w/ 16GB’s of RAM.

Main difference being, 8.1 (My first OS) took the same time too boot on my SSD, and 4times as much ram as Windows 10 does on VirtualBox.

I will be Dual Booting my system within the next 8 hours. I already have EUFI and all that jazz. It’ll be interesting to see whether or not my system will co-operate. I’ve not received conformation that Windows 10, my BIOS and GPU will support Win 10. If not, well, Intel Adapter is what I’ll be using -_-

Interesting. Keep us informed. :slight_smile:

How to uninstall preview updates in Windows 10

Will do. Anyone else want to know how it works out? You and Geekstogo want to know lol

Some additional pictures:

The trick is to hold down the shift key before you select Restart

I had a problem getting into 10 because I installed it while on my wireless connection. That would have been fine except that the driver Win 10 picked for my wireless card didn’t work right. When I got to the part about setting up my account, it kept saying I needed to be connected to the internet. I skipped that step and went on with the rest. The result was that when I tried to get into Win 10 from then lock screen, I couldn’t because no account was set up. What I did to fix this was to connect through a cable, go to the screen shown by Bob and choose reset. I had to make sure I was targeting the Win 10 partition and not the Win 7 one because I would have lost everything if it was targeted wrong. After the somewhat lengthy reset process the setup for Win 10 began all over again and I was able to set up my account. Everything then went smoothly and I was able to fully get into the preview. The wireless card still wouldn’t function and I had to manually trick the computer into installing the same driver used in Win 7. I reported the problem through the Windows Feedback app.

I guess the moral of the story is that you should connect through an Ethernet cable when installing the preview and not depend on a wireless connection working right.

Since I have it in a dual boot setup with Win 7, I can definitely say that 10 is faster than 7 but then so is 8/8.1. I really have no way to compare 10 with 8 as far as performance but in other areas, it’s much better. You never get a glimpse of the “Metro” screen on a desktop PC unless you really set out to see it and the Start Menu just about takes away the need to install any third party utilities like Classic Shell. I could do without the tiles in the right pane but they can be removed and the whole thing can be customized how you want it. The only thing missing is the option to add the IE browser favorites to the Start Menu. The option is not there like in 7 and 8. I’m hoping it was just an omission on their part and I did report it through the feedback. Jumping right to a favorite site right from the Start Menu is the thing I use the Start Menu for more than anything else. You can pin the Favorites folder but then you have to click the shortcut, open the folder, and double click on the favorite. Having Favorites in a mouse over menu directly in the Start Menu is so much better. Maybe somebody will figure out a way to do it if MS doesn’t add it back.

Windows 10 is simply what Windows 8 should have been from the very beginning. All the uproar about a new UI and new ways of doing things would have been greatly reduced and the OS would be more widely accepted than it is.

@Dch48,I have both a 32 and 64 bit Dell Laptop on which I installed Windows 10 on it’s own partition.
Both computer use a WiFi connection and both had no problems.
The install of Windows 10 on the 32 bit system was actually done at my Senior Center where the
WiFi signal is marginal at best.
Guess it has to do with the WiFi card installed in your particular system.

Yeah, when I searched for a solution to the problem I saw that my card had the same problem in Win 8 and none of the drivers released for 8 or 8.1 would work right. That’s most likely why the driver Win 10 selected didn’t work either. It is the combination Bluetooth 2070/ Broadcom 4313GN 802.11 b/g/n Wireless Adapter. I have never used the Bluetooth part though.

I think it is always a good idea to connect with a cable anyway. When I installed Ubuntu in a separate partition a while back (and subsequently removed it after less than a day) it specifically said to connect through a wired connection and not wireless.

Wired connection isn’t always available. Especially not here at the senior center… :slight_smile: