Windows 11: Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service and Core-service still starting up

On my Windows 11 PC The Glary utilities Startup Manager says Microsoft Defender Antivirus service (MsMpEng.exe) and core service (MpDefenderCoreService.exe) is still being started, eventhough I installed Avast. This looks like two virusscanners will run. The startup manager doesn’t allow me to turn any of them off. Is this ok or isn’t Avast Antivirus properly installed? Thank you for any feed back!

What does Win 11 say in Virus & Threat Protection? Mine says: “Avast Antivirus is turned on.”

On my system with Avast, Defender is still loaded as an antimalware program. I think it’s normal.

Thanks for your reply. Yes same here, only Avast is turned on.

If anyone can check if starting MS Defender Antivirus service (MsMpEng.exe) and MS Defender core service (MpDefenderCoreService.exe) is normal after installing Avast security pls let me know

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Hello, only Avast is turned on, none of the services you mentioned are running, everything is normal, just Avast. :sunglasses: