Several different comments.
First, please stop using the “quote” when unnecessary.
I mentioned the reboot for the repair action, since many users simply report “it doesn’t work” but they forget to reboot after the repair. If you indeed rebooted after the repair (which is similar but not exactly the same as an installation), then we move on.
About the MD5, it is not necessary for use. We are all common users trying to help, and the MD5 is not officially published.
The picture you posted is not in English, so the exact error message is not understandable for me.
There is a simple way to be sure the download itself is not corrupted, which is the first step even before trying to apply the update. Just like with the MD5, instead use the valid certificate.
Select the vps installer file, right click → properties → digital signatures. Is the valid signature of avast there? Review the dates, both in the certificate and in the properties.
Only if the data in those places is valid, then the download is valid.
About the date of the current definitions in your avast, if you are not able to apply updates since 2011DEC16, then that’s the date avast would report to you.
If I understood correctly, you can’t perform a normal on-line update in this same system, so if the VPS has a valid certificate with a valid date but it still can’t be applied (and you OS is working correctly), then only some Avast Team member has to answer if indeed the full VPS for off-line updates is working correctly or not.