I installed and ran Avast Home 4.8 successfully yesterday (29/6/09) and everything was config’d and working well. I restarted my PC the following day to find that the above msg (in subject line) was displayed over the red barred avast icon in systray.
After following the instructions in a previous thread, I finally reinstalled the latest version of home 4.8 and the same problem is happening.
If I double click the icon I’m notified that none of the tasks are running and can not be started manually and a msg saying “the requested resident task was not found”. this happens to all installed providers.
Please help.
I also note that my PC “hangs” at the windows shutdown splash screen since the home 4.8 install
KiaOra, Rockstar.
Was any other AV installed prior to Avast?
Any other security programs installed?
can you browse to the program files folder in the “c” drive (default install location) look for “Alwil>Avast4” and tell me if the folder is present?
Have previously had Norton AV 2002 ages ago, recently AVG Free til they pulled the win98 support.
Norton AV was removed with an uninstall *.exe file approx 2 yrs ago. The wierd thing is Avast was working til I guess I shut down PC then it wouldn’t start up properly. I can use Avast to scan PC and selected files, just won’t run the providers that supply the live monitoring (email, web, P2P etc.)
Also run anti-spyware n Malware apps to hunt for crap. Just dunno why she don’t go.
I’ve checked and can find the install folders n files
What AVG version was it? If 8 series, try running the removal tool (32 bit) and see if that makes a difference.
Please check the system/time date is correct.
Try a repair of Avast, via “add/remove programs” (if it was called that in '98. My '98-ese is a bit rusty.) When you click “change”, a repair option should come up.
What anti spyware apps have you run? (Suggest MBAM and/or Superantispyware.)
Me sleep now.
Hey… seems I have a working install at last avast!
Thanks to all…mind you the start of all the trouble happened after a re-start the following day,
but hey I’m running a 12 year old OS from microsoft, what could possibly go wwwwwwwwrroon*%&^(*&J g
Just an update, restart does not seem to have affected avast running. All seems OK.
However… (there’s always one I guess) since the avast install, my PC will not power
off automatically. It freezes/hangs at the windows “shutting Down” screen.
I’m having the same freeze upon shutting down after having installed Avast 4.8 Home Edition.
O/S = Windoze 98 4.10.1998 on a Compaq Presario
Ativirus history is CA’s eTrust EZ Antivirus, then, until they pulled the W98 support, AVG 7.5, and now Avast 4.8 Home Edition. All previous anti virus proggies have been completely uninstalled before installing the next.
Firewall is still Zone Alarm, sometimes disabled when it acts up.
Avast doesn’t seem to have any troubles updating and scanning, however, when I want to shut down, the computer hangs on the Win splash screen “shutting down”. I tried to find out what caused this and came up with the following.
Zone Alarm at times may have to do with the hanging, but it isn’t carved in stone. Disabling doesn’t help to make shutting down any easier. But Zone Aalrm does hang now more often after Avast has been installed.
After taking Crtl-Alt-Del to peek at what all is running I found out that Ashwebsv and Ashmaisv are the two processes hanging. They have to be terminated in that order or else that lovely blu screen pops up. Shutting them down maunally will prevent Scandisk to run upon startup, but I would prefer a solution to shut down Windoze in a more traditional way.
Please don’t hijack some ones topic - Please start a New Topic of your own as this seems unrelated to the original subject and will just confuse the topic and we will try to help.
Go to this link, http://forum.avast.com/index.php, scroll down to the avast! 4x Home/Pro forum and click it, click the New Topic button at the top of the list and post there.
I am sorry, in my humble opinion not quite unrelated since this is the same symptom, and I just wondered if Rockstar had the same processes hanging and causing the freeze up on shutdown, that’s why I chose to add to this thread like I would do on usenet, but ok, I posted anew as a new topic.