Windows 98/ME and On-Access-Problem

Hi there,

are there known Problems with old Win98/ME-Computers and the On-Access-Protection?
In my case avast! seems not to be able to tell me that a homepage is infected with a virus.
I’m checking avast! on a homepage called with a test-virus called

If i use Windows XP, start my browser and click on the test-virus, avast! warns me reliable
and offers me to disconnect the connection. But if i use Windows 98 or Win ME i still can
download the test-virus without any warning!

There are no error-messages on system-startup or red signs in the tray and all necesary
providers are running and avast! identifies the test-virus when i scan the file manually.
In all cases i use a standard-installation of avast!, so i diddn’t changed the configuration.
I already noticed this problem earlier and so i noticed the problem with different versions
of avast! home edition.

There is no Firewall on the Computer and no other Antivirus-Software, just avast!
an i have tried on so many different machines and different places and even on a fresh
windows-installations. So i’m nearly sure that it is not a defective installation of the
operation system or a conflict with other software.

How can i tell avast! to scan the homepages reliable on Win98/ME?

Thanks in advance,
Hendrik Garbe.

Hello and Welcome :slight_smile:

For Win95/98/ME you need to set your browser, so that the Web Shield can scan your browser’s HTTP traffic. For detailed info on how to set your browser see HERE :wink:

Under NT based systems everything is automatic - that’s why it works on WinXP for you :wink:

Hello .:XMAS:.

thanks a lot for your help, now i understand! ::slight_smile:


You’re Welcome ;D If you have other questions, feel free to ask :wink: