windows error reporting file detected (false positive)

just as it says; I had a crash of Windows (Seven/7100) backup a few moments ago. That must be it, just a false positive.

Could you upload the file to virustotal and see if it is a FP?

yeah I didn’t bother, anyway just in case doing it now…report in a few minutes.

OK, only avast reports it.

File size: 14072632 bytes
MD5…: 32f7a6f86d2d3e1142785b0cd376f122
SHA1…: b2b42ba307d9e24c1d6fffca2bafe1b9052aa40d
SHA256: 5396e31c8ebf3c528b6a721ed1273cc5583fc0da7c11a7cd41685db437f0ca7b
SHA512: c5743713447da69aa8f1d9015ed25a65f81b6fc05a0dc24ea0e4d4d0ab025c9a
ssdeep: 24576:J8am5yOw4OLghqPCWZ6TZHqevQ9EgNYRLxFE5rce:aam5Nw61qevoEUr/
PEiD…: -
TrID…: File type identification
Windows Minidump (100.0%)

guys shall I just delete it or what now ?

Hi Logos,

Yep, but first report it to avast as a FP, which of course it more than likely is,



OK wanted to do it but the report requires a program name and version…doesn’t matter, I’ll put something…(Windows ;D )

edit: OK done :wink:

I simply put in n/k for not known in fields where I don’t know the information.

N/K will work fine. It definitely seems like a F/P if only avast reports it. Thanks for finding and reporting, it will only help avast in the future!