Windows Firewall

Hey guys, can anybody help me?
Do I need to use Windows Firewall with Avast Home Edition? Tks :slight_smile:

Yes because avast! 4.xx does not include firewall but this coming avast 5’s suite was said to have one.

Hi broomstick,

Shortly, yes. If you are not running a firewall at all, you should at least enable the windows one.

It is also recommended to run a 3rd party firewall that can prvide outbound protection (instead of the windows one), such as:

Outpost Firewall
Online Armor
PC Tools

To name a few of the top of my head, all with free versions as far as I know.


Not specifically the Windows firewall, but you should most definitely use a firewall, yes.
Avast is an AV only; version 5 will contain an optional firewall with the pro.

If you choose to use a third party firewall, the Windows one should be turned off before installing another. Be offline while doing this.
What OS do you use?

Tks guys you’ve been extraordinary!!! Greetings :smiley:

Do I Need a Firewall?

Do I need a firewall, and if so, what kind?

Optional firewall in the pro?I thought the firewall was only included in the suite.

Yes. It’s not optional.