I found this in another, older topic and would kindly ask for assistance/clarification, which of the mentioned .exe files must be cleared in windows firewall for Avast to execute its updates:
“You’ve to allow the following: AvastUI.exe, instup.exe, AvastSvc.exe und AvastEmUpdate.exe”
Which of these .exe files is responsible for:
virus definition update
and which one is specific for
application update
How can one know if these exe files are locked/blocked by firewall or something else? Does Avast alert a user that it could not connect/execute an update if firewall for whatever reason blocks it?
I found this in another, older topic and would kindly ask for assistance/clarification, which of the mentioned .exe files must be cleared in windows firewall for Avast to execute its updates:
A friend has it and he’s a no-go in English. I must know exactly which .exe files must be cleared in windows firewall because he couldn’t get and updates in over a month. He installed some drivers through a third party update and since then avast turned to an unknown language with no updates. He tried a manual update and only gets some weird error message that disappears within a second. Our best hope is to check the firewall (that’s why i quoted the previous post) We found over twenty new rules in windows firewall that my pal never made (at least so he claims).
As I wrote, it’s not my pc nor avast, and its user is a moron when it comes to English (and computers).
I’m doing this at a distance with him (he’s on the other end of our country) and the last I want is that the idiot fucks up his whole pc while trying to follow your instructions which will for him look like Star Wars XXVII.
Even if he manages to restore everything to default, he will lose all his settings for firewall he already had set up with my help at my last visit, and if that happens, he can throw his damn machine into the trash.
PS your other link caused even for me a headache, I don’t even wanna think what it would force that idiot to do.
The easiest thing is to check all the rules in the firewall and kill those who don’t belong there aka belong to Avast, that’s why I asked this question.
What I don’t understand is why is it so hard for you to confirm/provide the simple info which of the exe files must be freed in the firewall, since it is obvious (from previous posts) that it was the firewall that blocked the update engine in avast (and others apps).
If you don’t wanna provide this info, then I don’t see any sense for this forum, and I will advise him to cancel his subscription for Avast and switch to another antivirus software. There’re more than enough of them out there.
Which idiot came up with this captcha? It’s completely unreadable. the guy who set this up should be sent to Gitmo - for life. There, I fucked it up again.
.What I don't understand is why is it so hard for you to confirm/provide the simple info which of the exe files must be freed in the firewall, since it is obvious (from previous posts) that it was the firewall that blocked the update engine in avast (and others apps).