Windows Indexing Service and Avast

Avast keeps scanning because Windows Indexing Service keeps coming on every few seconds. Is there a way to turn off the Indexing Service permanently? If I turn off the service, Avast stops scanning so I know the problem is Indexing.

If you wish to disable the Indexing Service and you are a Windows XP user then

Control Panel > Aministrative Tools > Services


Indexing Service

and right click on it, select Properties from the menu and change “Startup Type” to Disabled in the drop down menu.

Click “OK” all the way out. After you restart your system the Indexing Service will not restart.

Avast contains some extra code to ignore file accesses from the Windows indexing service. Are you sure it’s this service that’s triggering the scan?

Thanks Vlk

Windows Indexing Service is probably the biggest waste of CPU time without any real benefit since the MS Office indexing tool.

For the average user you don’t need it, Alan’s suggestion to disable the service is good advice.

I went in and did what you wrote and stopped Windows Indexing Service and Avast stopped scanning every few seconds. I have to say it is interesting! Any further thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. ???
Also the computer seems to be running faster.


Vlk, seems it’s not working… ::slight_smile: