Windows Logon, Nvidia Update and Java Chrome

I’m constantly getting theese warnings since I’ve updated to Avast Free 2014.

The first one pop up in every Windows Logon.

The second one when I try to do a update through GeForce Experience.

The third one when I try to update Chrome’s Java.

Are those false alarms?

Anyone? :cry:

The first screenshot is windows defender updates and not a problem

The second is as a file is being unpacked prior to installation which uses 7z, it depends on what programme was being installed at the time

The third is a programme being downloaded by chrome and then being unpacked

Are you experiencing any problems ?

Thank you for replying essexboy.

The file that uses 7z is a update by Nvidia made through GeForce Experience.

The programme being downloaded by chrome is the latest Java update.

Besides the alert pop up, I don’t have any problem so far.

Select the report false positive options so that Avast can fix them :slight_smile:

Alright, thanks for your help.