Windows Security Alert Won't Go Away After Clean Install

I just did a clean install to build 5.0.462, and for some reason the Windows Security Center shield won’t disappear in the bottom tool bar as though it thinks I don’t have an AV despite Avast working. When I click on it, an empty window comes up. I’ve rebooted twice and it’s still there. Any ideas what to do to get rid of it? Thanks.

For the meantime choose I have an antivirus program that I’ll monitor myself

To do that, in Vista, Go to Control Panel, and in there visit the Security Center. Click on Check Settings next to “Malware protection”. Your error message may vary, but click the button labeled Turn On, or an equivalent button in that position. Click on “I have an antivirus program that I’ll monitor myself”. You should then see “Malware protection” in the security center change from red to yellow, and while it still says “check settings”, the state has been changed to “not monitored”.

Add/Remove programs, avast, choose repair (scroll to the bottom on the left to find it).

Generally, two or three boots are necessary to get WSC to stabilize…
System time and date are correct?

I actually found out that just doing a HARD boot fixed the problem. Thanks.