My Windows security alerts that my Avast! antivirus 4.8.1335 [VPS 090319-0] reports to Windows that it is not up-to-date.
However I recently updated to VPS 090428-0. Plus when I try to update Avast! (using right click on the ‘a’ → updating), I recieve reconfirmation that both program and Vps (090428-0) are up-to-date.
I recommend a full uninstall and install from scratch.
(By doing this you will lose any Avast settings you have saved, plus anything in the quarantine.)
-Download the Avast uninstall utility,
It may also be worthwhile to download the appropriate Kaspersky removal tool,
-If you don’t already have it, download the latest Avast install.
-Disconnect from the net,
-Right click the tray icon, go to program settings>troubleshooting, and select “disable Avst self defence module”.
-Right click the tray icon, select “stop on access protection” and “ok” out.
-Uninstall from the control panel.
-Reboot, run the Avast uninstall utility.
-Run the Kaspersky uninstall utility, reboot.
-Install Avst antivirus. (You may wish to skip the boot scan recommended as part of a first install- this takes a while.)
-Reconnect to the net, check for database updates.
-Post back and tell us if the problem is solved.
Download and Run this utility to remove all traces of Kaspersky from the registry: You might want to print the instructions on the page for use of-line.