Windows Server 2000 with SP1

Dear All,

Does anybody in here ever try to installed avast 4 server with Windows Server 2000 SP1?
Whether can support Windows Server 2000 SP1?


No, I’ve never tried it. It does work on SP4 though. Why not update it?

Hi scythe944,

Thanks for your prompt replied,

By the way, i am tried it with Windows Server 2003 with SP1 and it was working till today.

But thanks anyway for your kindly advice,

I still highly suggest:

Hi scythe944,

So for windows server 2000 SP1 could directly upgrade become SP4 as from your reference link, is it true?

It’s been a while ;D, but I think you may have to get SP2 first. Lemme check.

From this page, it seems that you can, yes:

Updates and fixes to Microsoft Windows 2000 are distributed in service packs. Service packs keep the product current. Service packs include updates, system administration tools, drivers, and additional components that are conveniently bundled for easy downloading. Service packs are cumulative. Therefore, each new service pack contains all the fixes that are included in previous service packs together with the new fixes. You do not have to install a previous service pack before you install the latest service pack. For example, you do not have to install Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) before you install Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4).

Windows 2000 service packs are for Windows 2000 Professional, for Windows 2000 Server, and for Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

Also, on the original link that I gave you, it has supported operating systems listed as follows:

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows 2000 Service Pack 2; Windows 2000 Service Pack 3

Odd that I don’t see SP1 listed, which is why I thought you might need service pack 2 first. I’d say to just visit the windows update site and download whatever updates that you need…

Hi Sycthe944,

Thanks for your kindly advice,

I’ll follow your advice according to trial avast1 4 server.

Many thanks,

No prob… glad I could help.

Hi Scythe944,

I trying to installed avast 4 server at my windows 2000 professional (the engine similar like windows 2000 server) SP1, avast can installed but the weird things is only standard shield can running but not with others shield.

I think you are rite, user need to use minimum SP4.


Confirming this…!

You can install avast! only after the hotfix KB816542 is installed.
Use Windows Update or download it from Microsoft’s website.

Yeah it’s pretty important that you basically get every security or critical update available, as stated previously:

I'd say to just visit the windows update site and download whatever updates that you need...